- Our work starts when the quest to escape persecution begins.
- As a part of its flagship project, Nimittekam serves as a means to facilitate the journey of anyone harassed on the basis of religion, from their original residence to India.
- In a number of cases, all costs including those incurred on formalities related to passports, visas, travel etc. are borne by our organization.
- The initial boarding and lodging needs of refuges are taken care of by us, post arrival.
- The main focus however is then on a three-part process:
- Registration at the local Foreigner’s Registration Office.
- Registration and document verification at the local police station.
- Documentation and filing for Long Term Visas.
- We aim to foster self-reliance at the grass roots level.
- Under this umbrella, we have launched various employment and skill development programs with special focus on empowering the women in the underprivileged sections of our society.
- Below are the different elements of the project::
- Mehndi Application Training (Henna Tattooing)
- Professional Sewing Training
- Incense Stick Manufacturing Training
- Imparting basic Business Education in areas like financing, procurement, production management, distribution etc.
Till now we have impacted more than 300 individuals through this project in only one year. In the future, we only wish to expand the scope and variety of such initiatives.

In partnership with the Human Life Foundation in Jaipur, we have taken the responsibility of providing 120 children with basic supplies like food and clothing as well as scholastic education.